About Christ for Seattle

Welcome to Christ for Seattle, your trusted source for news and insights focused on the Seattle community through a lens of compassion, integrity, and faith.

Our Mission

At Christ for Seattle, we are driven by a deep commitment to serving the diverse communities of Seattle with accurate, uplifting, and impactful news coverage. Our mission is to shine a light on the stories that matter most to our city, while embodying the values of compassion, inclusivity, and faith.

What We Offer

  • Community-Centered Coverage: We are dedicated to providing comprehensive coverage of local news, events, and issues that directly impact the lives of Seattle residents. From neighborhood happenings to citywide initiatives, we strive to keep our readers informed and engaged with their community.
  • Ethical Journalism: Our team of experienced journalists adheres to the highest standards of journalistic integrity and ethics. We are committed to delivering news stories with accuracy, fairness, and objectivity, while upholding the principles of truth and transparency.
  • Faith-Inspired Perspectives: As a faith-based news organization, we believe in the power of storytelling to inspire hope, foster understanding, and promote positive change. Through our coverage, we seek to highlight the ways in which faith intersects with everyday life in Seattle, amplifying voices of faith leaders and communities across the city.
  • Empowering Dialogue: We believe in the importance of fostering constructive dialogue and collaboration within our community. Through opinion pieces, guest contributions, and interactive features, we invite readers to share their perspectives, engage in meaningful discussions, and work together towards a brighter future for Seattle.
  • Our Team

Christ for Seattle is led by a dedicated team of journalists, editors, and contributors who are passionate about serving the Seattle community with excellence and integrity. With diverse backgrounds and expertise in journalism, communications, and faith-based advocacy, our team is committed to upholding the values of truth, compassion, and inclusivity in all that we do.

Contact Us

We value your feedback and input! If you have any questions, suggestions, or story ideas, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. You can contact us via email, phone, or through our website’s contact form. Your input helps us better serve the needs and interests of the Seattle community.

Thank you for choosing Christ for Seattle as your source for news and insights. Together, we can make a positive difference in our city and beyond.


The Christ for Seattle Team